Ayurvedic Massage
Indian Ayurvedic

Cherish your innate-nature


Nilgiri hills, known as the ‘Blue Mountains’ for its bluish hue, are the range of mountains spread across the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala (the southern part of India). It is known for its diversity of fauna & flora. Its virgin lands of divers spices & plants, irrigating the knowledge from the Great Seers in Ayurveda and Spirituality.

Started by a traditional, Indian healer and spiritual health practitioner, Lenry Francis. Born and brought up in Kerala, India, he has learnt traditional Indian Ayurvedic massages techniques from my homeland, which is practiced by masters Kalarippayatu, one of the oldest martial arts in the world.

Cherish your innate-nature

NILGIRI Services
Experience the traditional Indian Ayurvedic massages in Lausanne.

Ayurveda massages has been practised for thousands of years to secure the great science of life and pressure points. In Ayurvedic massage techniques, the massage is done in a circular motion to create positive energy, which can help the patient’s problematic area. A beautiful balance creates between mind, body, and soul in Spiritual Massage Therapy.

Indian Ayurvedic massage helps in reducing stress, lowers blood pressure, improves skin health, reduces muscle stiffness, promotes lymphatic drainage, increases energy and alertness, increases physical strength and delays age-related changes.

At Nilgiri, you can book the ultimate experience of relaxation and rejuvenation. You can book Traditional Indian Ayurvedic Massage, Yoga Massage and many more in Lausanne, Switzerland.

We have created a safe and zen space where you can relax, be parted from chaos, and give yourself time to heal.

Kalari Marma
Body Massage
1 hour: CHF 140
1 1⁄2 hours: CHF 180
2 hours: CHF 210
Body Massage
1 hour: CHF 140
1 1⁄2 hours: CHF 180
2 hours: CHF 210
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1 hour: CHF 130
Shirodhara helps to relax and stabilise the mind. This therapy is very beneficial for stress management.

1 hour: CHF 120

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Yoga literally means “union”. It is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India.

1 1⁄2 hours: CHF 100

Cherish your innate-nature

Book an appointment

You can book the appointment online and thereafter, you will either receive an email or a call, for the confirmation of your appointment.

Our services are available everyday from 7h till 22h.

July 2024
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Cherish your innate-nature

Breathwork – un atelier pour vivre de magnifiques experiences par l’utilisation de respirations particulières. Les sessions sont transformatrices, guérissantes et apaisantes.

Cherish your innate-nature

My Blogs
Know more about Abhyanga full body massage

Abhyanga is one of India’s oldest healing techniques. It has been used for thousands of years by both men and women to relieve pain, relieve stress, improve flexibility, improve circulation

Is Shirodhara Effective For Relieving Migraines?

Shirodhara is a centuries-old Ayurvedic therapy for bringing peace of mind and inner calm. In this therapy, we pour medicinal oil in a specific pattern across the forehead.  Definitely, Shirodhara

Boost your immune system naturally

Boosting immunity is a complex process, and it requires multiple strategies to be successful. We have broken down the most important ones here, so you can get started on your


Cherish your innate-nature

Contact Us

Avenue de Riant- mont 1, 1004 Lausanne


+41 795 57 14 07 (Lenry) / +41 787 30 02 02(Stéphanie Scheel)

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